What Is The Best Flea And Tick Treatment For Dogs?

With summers soaring in and the blazing sun already giving air to fleas and ticks, pet parents strive to protect their furry pals from these nasty critters. The war among parasites and pet parents has been running since long and every time pet parents try to well equip themselves in order to protect their furry pals. Whether it is topical treatments, flea sprays or oral medicines, pet owners try to find out the best flea and tick treatments for their dogs.

With a gigantic collection of flea and tick treatments on the market, no doubt, pet parents are always in a quandary to pick the best one for their furry companion. Well, to ease the struggle of finding the best flea and tick treatment, here we got you the imperative list to select one as per your preference of administration.


Unique in its own way, Simparica is a flea, tick and mange treatment for dogs. The flavored chewable tablet is easy to administer and kills fleas and controls tick infestations. Simparica being a monthly treatment can be started at any time of the year. Especially in areas, where fleas are common year round, simparica as a monthly treatment can be continued the entire year. With its quick and long lasting formula, it starts working within hours of administration and continues to protect your dog for a month.

Adams Flea And Tick Spray

For a quick relief from fleas and ticks, Adams flea and tick spray is the best option. Once sprayed, it provides relief instantly from biting fleas and continuous killing of flea eggs laid on the animal. Thus, it breaks flea life cycle. The Excellency lies in its unique way of breaking flea life cycle for about 2 months. Unlike other sprays, it has the capacity to repel fleas, ticks, lice, gnats, flies and mosquitoes. Placed in a line of award winning flea and tick treatments, Adams flea and tick spray is convenient and easy to use spray.  

Nexgard Flea And Tick Chewables

Developed with a new age component – Afoxolaner, Nexgard flavored chewables are quite popular among pet parents and veterinarians.  It won’t be wrong to say that with Nexgard, you are safely providing the #1 choice of vets to ensure that your Fido continues to get the right dose of monthly flea and tick protection.  

Salvo Flea And Tick Collar

One of the long lasting collars, Salvo protects dogs against fleas and ticks for up to 6 months. The improved version of Salvo flea and tick collar kills fleas on contact and is effective against 3 species of ticks. The major benefit of Salvo is it is a waterproof collar which continues protection even after your dog bathing while it is odorless.

Frontline Plus

Protecting dogs since ages, Frontline Plus is the widely used flea and tick treatment and highly recommended by vets. Unique for its dual mechanism of adulticide and insect growth regulator, Frontline Plus offers wider and long lasting protection. Not just restricted to killing fleas and ticks, the topical treatment is also effective in breaking flea life cycle by inhibiting the growth of flea eggs, and larvae. Known as Frontline Combo in some countries, Frontline Plus treats flea and tick infestations as well as chewing lice infestations. This powerful vet-recommended medicine is easy to apply with no to least side effects.

Looking at these top five best flea and tick treatments, if you are still wondering whether this will go along with dog or not then time to check your vet. Considering your pet’s medical history and sensitivities, you can buy one. And definitely, there is always room for improvement. As you pass more years as pet parent, you easily get to know about your furry pal’s requirements and how he/she acts to certain things. So, well this flea season don’t wait long in making the decision lest your pet will already be feast for those pesky creatures.

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